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The World Wide Web states to bond people. In that regard, it goes well, but only in a surface sense. The sense of closeness that comes with the connection is a delusion, a simulation. That fake nature becomes painfully obvious when you turn to cyberspace for someone to be more than a buddy.

Social media has made this sometimes anxiety-inducing way of getting to know somebody all too simple to avoid. It hypnotizes us all with a false impression of confidence and communication, leading even typically extroverted people to hide behind their laptops, thinking that an online chat is the same as a face-to-face one. At the end of the day, Facebook and sites like it are, as non-verbal communication expert Blake Eastman said, “groups of people that are highly connected online but socially isolated.” He says “we feel that we don’t need to look people in the eyes to communicate anymore; a keystroke has replaced that look. But at the end of the day, we’re designed for human contact, not a computer screen.”
Face-to-face interaction is not as easy as online communication, and that’s why it should feel more gratifying. I think the completion of a challenge feels more enjoyable than that of a simple task. People have feelings, we experience different emotions when we interact with people, we get sweaty, and we get nervous. We hide online to avoid those situations.
While online interaction can definitely serve as a confidence promoter for face-to-face communication, it should not work as a replacement. It’s not a bad place to begin a relationship, but reliance on it directs to a lonely road, in particular when people realize that online chatting is basically the same as a long distance relationship.

Teen Internet Addiction


Today’s teenagers are a generation for whom the difference among online and real world interaction practically does not exist. The deification of this is Facebook, which began as a social networking site, but which now is a nightspot open 24/7. Facebook currently receives more visits on a daily basis than Amazon and Google. The site has 1.15 billion monthly active users, each using their individual page to message, post blogs and bulletins, and photos of themselves. It is accurately that formation of identity that has made it such an adolescent sensation. For millions of young people, the Internet is like a narcotic. And the madness of the cyberspace and of adolescent hormones can be an especially strong combination. According to an article from the Daily News a sixteen-year-old teen met an 18-year-old male on Facebook. The relationship, which began as a friendship, became stronger on the site. When her father and mother, who disagreed with the relationship, tried to block her online access to him, her parents were shot dead by the guy. The Internet feeds fantasy. Young people can be Internet warriors, Internet seductress. Teenagers are using these sites to carry on fantasy. On the Cyberspace, people are permitted the chance to be the best. Besides, unpopular, lonely, or troubled teenagers go networking and play the roles they want to be. It doesn’t matter if anyone is in fact reading his or her postings or not: it just feels great to let it all out, and see it documented forever.

zin-watching-tv reality_tv_collage

Nowadays, reality TV is one of the fastest rising, and most accepted type of shows on the air and with many types, it is almost absurd to turn on the TV and not come across some kind of reality show. Although we have made enormous achievements in the area of racism, many destructive and negative stereotypes still prove and are reinforced to us all through television programs in our every day lives.

This is particularly accurate in the field of reality TV where folks are specially cast to complete certain stereotypical roles, the sexy party girl, the player, the gay/lesbian, the girl next door, the angry black guy, the good black guy, the smart Asian. It is easy to apply Gerbner’s Cultivation Theory to this concept because it evaluates the way the television both builds new and reinforces old perceptions of social real world. The mirror image of stereotypes in real world TV directly corresponds with Gerbner’s concept of the “double dose” because “in the course of struggle and negotiation over the context of race, we make sense of it in manners that reinforce or correspond to our own social and cultural reality”. Because of this, our interpretation of what it is like to be Hispanic, White, Black, Asian, is constantly being re-emphasized, accommodated, and mainstreamed. For these certain racial parties this leads to both a lack of equal freedom, a limited sense of identity, and restrictive feelings about what they might able to achieve.

Is he a traitor or whistle-blower? watch the video and you judge him!




Impulse buyer?  A study from Duke University suggests people are wired to value things that make them feel good immediately; what does this mean for your wallet? People are more likely to spend big bucks for something they’re instantly attracted to. Feeling happy before an acquirement can tell you how much you’ll enjoy that item, but it can also direct you to spend money on things you don’t need.

Mass Media & Society




People are defined not by what they think, but what they own (through shopping).